Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Lifetime Study

Springtime in the Rockies...yeah, I wouldn't know. We live in Colorado, but there are no mountains out here. It should be a law that everywhere in Colorado can see mountains. I guess we'll just have to use some of that mountain-moving faith. Do you suppose Sterling will mind if I drop a mountain or two on them? Okay, probably not the way to show neighborly love.

I have to admire Paul this morning. Imagine if you will a lifetime of study prepared and well underway. Paul had the equivalent of a doctoral education and a good job with the best company. He had a mission and probably a sense of being in the right and on the right path in life. Paul may well have had his eye on a fine home and a marriage into a well-connected family. Then, on an important business trip, his life was turned upside down. Not only was he going the wrong way, but he was doing the wrong things, and he wasn't even right about the things he thought he was right about. A life, religious, and faith crisis arrived in one blinding light.

Oh, but what a turnaround! Paul gave up all that had gone before to gain a life in Christ. His letters to the Gentiles form much of our theology and take up a goodly part of the New Testament of the Bible. From a life well-ordered, Paul moved from place to place preaching the Good News, debating, enduring shipwrecks, snake bites, getting thumped with rocks, sewing tents, serving time in jail, and finally his former mates put him on the Pharisees' most wanted list. Paul, a man born for such a time as that where God placed him.

In Christ,

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