Friday, March 06, 2015

Knowing All About Him

So, after yesterday's devotional, you are wondering that maybe I have gone right off the cliff's edge and fallen into the deep end of the moat. Ha, I've got you there; cliffs don't have moats. The question that comes from a claim of knowing Jesus our Good Shepherd is: How can a mere man know all about the Lord? I'll admit first that I don't even know all about me. And I certainly cannot know all about you. In attempting to know anyone it is helpful to have a biography. Hmm, it seems that we have something along those lines called the Bible. What does this Bible tell us about Him?

We know from the gospels about His birth, death, and resurrection. Most obituaries will have the first two, but I haven't seen very many with that last one. We may be on to someone special here. Revelation 1:8 tell us “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Whoa! The remainder of scripture in the Bible tells us much more. The life and person of Jesus is probably the most open and well-known story we have to read. Does that mean I can know all about Him?

Though any of us can read John 1:3, "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made." That does not mean that we were there to see or to understand how He made all things. As God, Jesus is indeed beyond our limited comprehension. As a man, we know much about the life He lived because we live it each day. All our weaknesses and temptations Jesus knew and lived. The triumphs and joys we meet in this life, how short they are and how fleeting, Jesus knew that too. Like all who believe, we want to meet Jesus in person one day and spend a lot of time getting to know Him more. How will He do that with a million billion people in Heaven? I don't know, but I surely do look forward to finding out!

Have a wonderful Friday in Christ!


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