Saturday, March 14, 2015

Careful Experimentation

Out of coffee beans again! I mixed the last small measure of fresh ground CO2 decaf dark roast espresso bean (or something like that) with a couple teaspoons of Folgers Decaf this morning. Okay, so it's not exactly like mixing acids and bases at random, sometimes a bit less excitement is called for early in the morning. Did you know that IRS Form 1099-Misc has a blank for "Excess golden parachute payments"? Blank 13 on the form is at least appropriate, but I have to wonder who this morning is looking at a figure in that space and wondering what to do with it. Of course, they can send it to me and I'll see what I can do to help with the disposal of such a heinous thing. By careful experimentation this morning, I have produced a pot of palatable coffee and discovered that some folks live on a different financial planet than I do. The next blank over on the ol' 1099 is "Gross proceeds paid to an attorney". Yes, yes, I can see how the recipient of the one might need to make some gross payments to an attorney.

Enough Saturday morning nonsense! How can we praise the Lord on this fine morning? Well, perhaps with a bit of nonsense. Not all the Christian life must be serious reflection. How can we become as children without some play? At this season of the year we face the seriousness of Ye Olde Taxe Filings, but we also face the coming of spring and the celebration of Easter. There is much to mourn on any given day, and the Lord no doubt hears all about that, but we might also give to Him prayers of joy and thanksgiving. With a bit of careful experimentation, we may find much to be joyful over in this life. A short blessing inventory may give us ample reason for giving thanks to God. Life is tough here, but we don't always have to come to the Lord with tales of doom and woe.

Have a better Saturday with a little joy and thanksgiving!


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