Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Dear Lord, Let Me Not Give Them My Time

Good morning for snow and chilly weather! Yes, May begins with more winter. As winter makes continued assaults on our spring, we are reminded that you and I are not in charge of much when it comes to the weather. I cannot make spring arrive and stay, and you cannot keep winter from making comeback tours each week it seems. So, who is this 'them' that I pray to not give of my time? Not a group of people, but a group of thoughts.

I pray this morning that I will no longer give of my time to anxious, depressed, fearful, or worrisome thoughts. I do it much too often, and not once has a meditation on what might come to destroy me done me a bit of good. Yes, the world is full of dangers and it hates those who declare for Jesus. Dwelling on the thoughts of darkness though is a waste of my time and harmful to me as well. Meditation on God's Word and His Son, however, is full of comfort, joy, peace, and learning.

God's love shines through His great Word. The love of our Lord is proven by the cross at Calvary. The promises of holy communion with our Lord Jesus forever on the new Earth bring a hopeful anticipation much like a childhood Christmas but much more filling and satisfying. After all a Christmas back in the day didn't last forever. Time spent thinking on death and destruction just doesn't do it for me anymore. Let us instead give our time to Jesus. Amen!


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