Friday, October 07, 2011

Your Special Day

Good Friday morning! Here it is again, October 7, that day of infamy that belongs to me. Some of you are repeating the line already, "Oh great, there he goes again..." As a resolution to this day in my mind, I thought that I would write about your special day instead. Some of you remember the day, others can remember the exact date, time, and place. Whether you can recall more or less, each of you came to Jesus and submitted to His lordship on a day in your past. In other words, you were saved! This day is no joke to any of us, though the circumstances that prompted it may seem full of humor later in life. That day may have been filled with the pain of sin's guilt, or simply the pain of the body. Some of you may have worked your way up to the decision, while others arrived at it with that sudden realization of discovery. Some celebrated the day with a baptism or anointing, others kept the moment treasured quietly at home alone with God. There is no one-size-fits-all day of salvation, only a Savior who fits us all.
Whether you recall exact details or have only a more general memory, we have that day of salvation in our hearts. One day, at the reading of a lengthy list of charges against us in a heavenly court presided over by the One True Judge that day will be played out for us again. As the Accuser attempts to have us convicted, Jesus will look in His own book and say something like, "I have no record of those charges. The page is marked 'Redeemed'!" Because of that special day with Christ, we have no record of sins to condemn us for eternity to suffering and pain greater than any we can experience here on Earth.
Last night as we listened to our weekly lesson with Pastor Chuck Swindoll, he made the point that we should live in fear of God's holiness. I agree, even in the light of my sins already paid for. We should not worry about eternity and the future, but we should rightly fear God's justice before we commit those actions for which we must ask forgiveness. I need to do a better job of remembering God's holiness during those times too! The fact that we have that special day of salvation with Jesus does not give us an excuse to succumb to the desires of the animal or diabolical man within us. In fact, we should take up the godliness that Jesus has already given us to fight those desires that so often result in falling into sin. Remember the result of your special day and seek God's righteousness and strength to live for Him!

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