Monday, October 24, 2011

How Much Don't I Know?

Good Monday morning! Did you ever feel the urge to just pray for everyone? We don't always know what is wrong or right with someone far away. A person or family may be going through the valley of death's shadow or they may be going through a time of calm between the trials we all face in this life. Once upon a time we tended to say that no news is good news. Apparently letters only carried bad news at the time that saying was coined. What a dreadful thought! However, with today's almost instant communications no news is simply no news. No news can make us wonder, and wondering we may allow our minds to go in the wrong direction. The question for today is: Do you have the faith to trust God when you don't know what is going on?

Actually, that question could apply to most everything in the world these days. A quick scan of the news channels or websites might leave any of us wondering what in the world is going on. So do you trust God when you don't know what is going on? Absolutely! If you believe in God, then you believe what His word has to say about Him. We learn from God's word that his thoughts are higher than our thoughts like the heavens are above the earth. We learn that God knows our deepest thoughts and all that goes on in the world. We also learn that God knows exactly where this world is headed and exactly when it will get there. Even better, God knows exactly when to expect you and me at the pearly gates of Heaven or if He will see us waiting as He comes down from Heaven to make His home with us here on the new Earth. We will always be full of 'I wonders', but God knows. We may not understand all of His prophecies, but God has told us much of what will happen, particularly in the end times. We will always want to know more, but not all knowledge is good for us. If we can trust God with all that He knows, we can also learn to trust God with all that we don't. At least for me, the amount that I don't know seems like a lot most of the time, and that only includes what I know that I don't know!

Praise God for the work ahead of us today. May we learn much from it this day!


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