Thursday, October 13, 2011

Under Attack!

Good Thursday morning! Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak... the suspicion comes upon you, grabbing your attention, extending your imagination into visions of arguments, violence, and injury. Why does our mind play these little stunts on us? How often has the argument or fight you imagined actually happened? Does the mind have some help with this? Indeed there are forces arrayed in battle against us, and this sneaking little attack does appear to be one of their favorite tactics. If the Devil can get you or me to live in the fear of our own minds then we may never take to the field against him. We also have the selfishness of our own diabolical nature that tells us to imagine the worst that could happen. Sometimes we even imagine the worst that couldn't possibly happen. The question might come up from this: what does the Devil fear in us anyway? We are so weak in our own strength and wisdom that you would think he has nothing to fear from us. Could it be that we have a power in us that the Devil fears? When Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live in us, he did not do this without cause. We need the Comforter and we need an adviser in our spiritual walk, but we need more than this. We need a spirit that lends power to the Word of God when we swing that spiritual sword. We need a spirit that energizes our whole armor of God to resist the attacks of the Devil. We need the Spirit who gives us the strength to endure those attacks from inside our own mind; the attacks that come from the rebellious and fearful imagination. We need God's Holy Spirit to live in us. You believe in Christ, rest assured that He has sent the Spirit to you just as He said. We are in the fight of our lives. From the time you gave your all to Jesus, you have been under attack. You are not alone though. Jesus said that He would never leave us and this is so important in our spiritual battle against the Evil One and our own diabolical nature. We are attacked from within and from without, of course we need God's help! We are set up to fall from the moment we tell God, "I can handle this." Each of us must abide in the Spirit and in the Word of God. Our weakness brings God glory. Realizing just how weak we are is a part of our growth in Christ. Praise God for His powerful Spirit in me and in you. I need all the help I can get, and I'm pretty sure that you do too. Don't go it alone! Trust and obey God. Bucky

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