Tuesday, June 21, 2011

On the Nice Days Too - June 21, 2011

Good Tuesday morning! Whooo! The skies are almost clear and the sun is shining! We need a break from the rain. Praise God for the clear, bright morning! Did you catch B.C. today? I can summarize it for you: "The world ends tomorrow. Good thing it's always today!" Actually, there is a lot of wisdom in that. We will never lack for Chicken Little's in this world, all trying to tell us the sky will fall tomorrow. Jesus told us to worry about today. Actually, if I take the time to think about it, I have more than enough to worry about on most days. In fact, each day is a new opportunity to ask God for His help in pretty much everything. It isn't that I am any more inept than other people or especially clumsy, but that more and more I am realizing how much better things get done when I ask God and dedicate the task to His glory first. And why not? If you have a direct line to the perfect, all-powerful Creator of the universe, wouldn't it seem like asking Him for help is the right thing to do?

We often think of Paul as writing in a divinely inspired mode his great letters in our Bible. What we may not see is the Paul who knelt in prayer daily before attempting to write. The Paul who stopped suddenly in the middle of dictation and threw out a few pages because he suddenly realized that he had gone off on his own at some point. We may not think of the suffering Paul endured when he came to a point in his dictation where his own conscience had been rubbed raw in an area of struggle. Every Christian writer or minister has at some point wondered how he could preach on a particular area of sin when the struggle in his own life was far from victorious. We can read the wonderful letter to the Romans and think that Paul was really on a roll, but maybe he had to struggle for weeks and weeks to get that letter just right. We may never know how much Paul had to struggle in those letters. Then again, Paul may indeed have been on a direct line to the Spirit and his poor secretaries burned the ends off their little Roman-rite quills trying to keep up.

After a few stormy days, we may not remember to ask God to be with us and to strengthen us for the task of the day when the dawn breaks clear and bright. We may remember to thank God for the better weather, but do we want to exclude God's help and strength just because the day has nice weather? I might be thinking about the weather a bit too much today. The weather is a rather large fact of life though and only God can overrule the nasty stuff the prince of this world cooks up. Once again, it seems best to include God in the day.

Trust God for a good day and invite Him into everything you do.


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