Monday, June 06, 2011

All of My Heart? - June 6, 2011

Okay, it must be Monday by now! Good Monday morning! Let the grace and peace of Jesus Christ rest on you today. Finally, after days of 1-0 games in the WCWS, the games yesterday had some runs scored. Fun to watch even if it did mean the end for the last Big 12 team. Summer is just around the corner for us, but the last couple of days have given us a hint of what is to come. Today could be the warmest yet this year. Do we dare plant some garden plots or will it freeze one more time this season? Out here, ya just never know.

In times of trouble, I often quote from Psalm 28: The Lord is my strength and shield. Of course, I didn't always know that it came from that particular psalm or even that it came from the Psalms. However, in coming to that verse in my Bible study on Saturday, I read the rest of the story as Paul Harvey used to say.

The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. (Psalm 28:7)

I like that even better than just the first line of the verse. The second line is a bit more difficult. And I must admit that not always have I been able to say that without some confession of failure. Trusting in the Lord with all of my heart is just not what was taught to me by the world. With all of my heart? Are you sure there isn't an exception for my education or experience? An athlete might want an exception for her strength and agility. A professor might want an exception for his intellect, but David trusted in the Lord with all of his heart. Any of us might want to give a pass to our own area of talent or strength.

I have found that the Bible doesn't often grant exceptions and with good reason. If I do not trust in the Lord with all of my heart, then He cannot be my strength and shield. The Lord steps back and lets me fall on my buttocks when I trust in my own ability until I learn to trust in Him with all of my heart. Am I totally without the Lord's protection when I try to use my own ability? No, even Job had limits set about him when Satan was allowed to harm his family, possessions, and finally his body. If God withdraws his shield just a little, it is more than enough for the world and its prince to knock me down. If God withdrew from me completely, I would surely be destroyed. There is no choice in reality. Once I came to believe in Jesus, I gained a powerful enemy, and I must now have God's protection and trust in him with all my heart.

Then, with God's help and protection all about me, like David I am filled with joy and burst out in thanksgiving. The real growth is to realize that at all times, and not just when things seem to be going along just fine and dandy. I will trust in the Spirit and the Son to bring me there!

Have a great new week in Christ!


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