Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Start of Easter - April 21, 2011

Dear Christians, welcome to another beautiful day! Today is the start of the Easter weekend. Thursday may have been the start of the end for Jesus. There is some debate on that as the city-country kid thing started way back with the Passover observance. Some held it earlier and others later. That is one of those things that I'll just refuse to argue about. If you want to start the Easter celebration and observance on the Monday before Easter, I'm good with that too. In fact, the more I grow in the love of Christ, the more I think that Easter should be at least a week of celebration away from work, school, and any other normal activity. We should give gifts on Easter morning and have small or large gatherings all week long. Let Easter become bigger than Christmas and much more centered on the risen Son! We are missing a real opportunity for celebration here!

More celebration for a whole week; what about all of those who must work in hospitals, fire departments and such? No, I don't have an easy answer for that, but I know someone who has the answer! Back in the day, the Israelites let the ground rest on every seventh year. Do you think God let them all starve that year? Did the cows and sheeps find only an empty manger to stare at one morning? As I sit here day after day writing and trying to write, reviewing my first novel and really trying to stay with it.... the novel is good, I just find the writing of new stuff much easier than doing the work of reviewing the already written stuff... I have to constantly fight off the worries about the future. You have the same trouble. How do I know this? Easy, we have the same basic needs and the same basic Adversary. The temptations that come my way may differ from yours in some aspects, but I know that the big unknown that we see in the future is ripe ground for the Devil to sow some worries in our minds. The good news is that Easter is here to remind us of one need that all of us have - the need for salvation.

When Jesus went to the cross and died for our sins, the need for a price to satisfy God's judgment was met. When Jesus rose again on the third day, the need for a resurrection to a new life was promised. When Jesus ascended to Heaven and sent his Holy Spirit to dwell in those who believe, the need for a guide to remind us of our Lord was met. We have many needs both physical and spiritual, but we have a mighty Lord and Savior who reminds us that God already knows our needs. Even as we try to worry about tomorrow and the next day, God has already set in motion his providence.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!


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