Wednesday, April 20, 2011

No Pleading Ignorance - April 20, 2011

Good Wednesday morning! Ah, another friend having a birthday today, good thing he is older than me! When I run out of older friend's birthdays to celebrate, I'll know that my appointment with God is getting close. The new guy on MyBridge that comes on when Ken Davis used to speak - I'm saying all that because suddenly I cannot remember his name - spoke about our inevitable appointment with God this morning. That is a good thing to think about, especially for those who dread that appointment. I finished reading Schindler's List last night. As usual the book has a lot of interesting things in it that the movie skipped over or mucked up, though the movie is a classic in its own right. At one point, Oskar Schindler found out that the SS had ordered huge crematoriums for the extermination camps. Though many Germans in 1945 would deny any knowledge of what the Nazis were doing, Schindler in his position as a factory manager could see the bids and orders in the system. Schindler had knowledge from inside the system. Herr Schindler could see that there would be only one purpose for such large crematoriums and places called extermination camps - murder on an industrial scale.

Back in the day, I had the opportunity to look at the Marine Corps supply system when they were first going to computers. The entire database of possible numbers was made available through the new computer networks down to the battalion level. Of course the jet fighter caught my eye. With the entry of one number, a person could order an AV-8 Harrier, or any of the 800 million or so parts that made up the jet. A little exaggeration there, but there was a whole lot of parts! Of course I had no authority to order anything in the system, but I did have the knowledge from inside the system. Like Schindler, I could not deny something I knew about now that I had that knowledge. Yup, somewhere in the Marine Corps in the 80's someone was ordering Harrier fighter jets. Yes, I still wish that I had tried to order one; don't we all want a fighter jet of our very own? The growling and gnashing of teeth from the officers would almost have been worth it.

If you go to church, you also have knowledge from inside the system so to speak. You have heard the preacher talk about this Jesus and what he said and did in the Bible. You may have sat through an invitation to be saved, baptized, surrender your life to Jesus, or to start a relationship with Jesus. However your church likes to state it, you have a knowledge of what you need to do for eternal life. You also have lost that chance to plead ignorance when your appointment with God arrives. Time to face your knowledge and give your life to Jesus!

Have a most wonderful and blessed day in Christ!


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