Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Answer: Jesus! - April 30, 2011

Good morning! It's a new day and the wind is already getting revved up for the race today. That is the race where the wind blows real fast from somewhere to somewhere else. We don't know where it is going or why it gets in such a hurry on some days, but praise God it hasn't been a tornado wind like they have suffered down south. The final day of April; yes, already. The first third of the year has passed by and how are your New Year's resolutions doing? Oops, sorry that was mean and below the belt. I can't even remember my resolutions, or perhaps I don't want to. Wow, that was a pretty good wind gust there. Yesterday, a robin sat in her nest all through the wind gusts. As many man-made things went floating and bouncing around, this robin and her nest stayed put in my little tree out back. That robin didn't have a university to attend to get her nest engineering degree; she didn't go to the Sparrow Savings and Loan to get a loan for the house, er, nest, and make payments for the rest of her life, but on a windy day, she looked pretty snug sitting there riding out the gusts.

There is still ice on my grass out back, but the robin isn't there right now; I checked. The wind chill rule is still in effect apparently. It might become May tomorrow, but it was still cold this morning! The question I have for this morning is: did the robin worry yesterday that the wind would blow even harder today? No she did not. Unlike us, that robin worried only about the day. We on the other hand probably thought of quite a few things to add to our worry box for tomorrow. We know Jesus said to trust in God and not worry about tomorrow, but we do it anyway. Are we that disobedient? Is there no hope for us at all? Well no, if I keep looking at me, and you keep looking at you, we will never find the answers to our worries. Jesus didn't tell us to lean on our own understanding and trust in our own abilities.

We must learn to quit looking at our ability, or more properly, what we see as our lack of ability and strength, and look to the One the writers of Hebrews called the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ (12:2). Of course there is no hope if I look at what I have, expect to have, and what I know to solve my needs and problems. There is every reason to hope when I look to Jesus: He rose from the dead. He what? He rose from the dead. How do you do that? My understanding is short on that point; I have no idea how to die and then walk out of the tomb. If I want to know about life after death, I reckon I should look to the one who died and then lived again. I don't know what is going to happen at the end. Jesus gave John his revelation. I guess if I want to be reassured about the end time, I should read the Revelation of Jesus. Yes, there is a lot of hope in Jesus; none at all in me. I have the answer! Jesus!

Have a great Saturday, or at least try to hold onto your hat and any other loose gear like dogs, cats, and small children. I think I just saw the neighbor's Doberman blow by. You think I'm joshin' you, but what really concerns me is the shed he was holding onto!


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