Saturday, June 19, 2010

What do You say for Yourself? - June 19, 2010

Good Saturday morning! The new Pony Express Monument (PXM according to the news) was unveiled last night with fireworks and a dance among other things. I didn't go; it seemed inappropriate to remember the lonely riders of the plains with a huge social event. Actually, I have nothing against the social event; I just wore myself out with a long walk yesterday morning and lots of traveling around later on. While today's worries are enough for today, we may suffer the consequences of yesterday's exertions too.

Today, John the Baptist is still putting up with those priests who are acting more like reporters after some juicy gossip:

"Then who are you? We need an answer for those who sent us. What do you have to say about yourself?" (John 1:22)

"What do you have to say about yourself?" That is a tough question! People often try to speak too much about themselves, embellishing an old story or laying claim to an honor they don't deserve. Other people fail to say enough about themselves, keeping quiet when they do deserve recognition or honor. Most times we are just flat uncomfortable with a question like that. We need to remember that we have a good answer for that question now. Instead of searching fruitlessly for some good answer about ourselves, we can tell the world about what our Lord has done for us.

John the Baptist was like a lightening rod for the Jews of the time. Even those who didn't make it out to see him probably talked and gossiped about 'that wilderness preacher'. The leading priests and Pharisees demanded answers from him through their representatives. If John attracted a little lightening, he held his copper rod up a bit higher to attract some more. It is interesting that the questioners would bring up those who sent them. John had been sent too, and he wasn't about to run and hide in the face of a little questioning by a bunch of irritating fellows sent by the temple. We may face the same thing one day. When they demand to know who you are, let them know who saved you!

Have a wonderful Saturday in Christ Jesus!


1 comment:

Bucky said...

Thank you, and may the love of Jesus go with you!
