Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Reborn! - June 9, 2010

Good Wednesday morning! Each morning is like a fresh start, and we all like fresh starts. Each year one team wins the Women's College World Series, and each year at least seven other teams would like a fresh start. We feel very much like all those teams that didn't win the championship victory; we want a fresh start. Is it any wonder then that the news of Jesus Christ is called the Good News? We can have more than a fresh start; we can be reborn into the family of God.

John 1:13 - They are reborn - not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.

We all want a fresh start at times, and then we want more than that. The world remains the same even if we take a fresh start at something. We also remain the same, albeit a little wiser perhaps, when we make a fresh start. More than a fresh start would be to start life over, to be reborn. We know that to be physically reborn is not possible for us, and the very thought might give our dear mothers reason to cringe. However, there is a new beginning in Christ. "They are reborn - not with a physical birth..."

We can argue whether a physical rebirth would help at all, but most of our rebirth desire involves somehow keeping the knowledge and experience we have now. We don't in our worldly mind want to start over as a beginner. We want to start again with the knowledge to put our childhood pennies into some company's stock and be rich by the time we hit our 20's. That would be too easy, everyone would want that. Rebirth in Christ only offers eternal life.

Wait a minute... you mean that all the time I spent yearning for earthly wealth from a physical rebirth, there was a far better option? Yes indeed! The spiritual rebirth that comes from believing in Jesus 'only' gives eternal life. When we come to believe, one thing we learn is that our aims in the world were much too low. Why wish for a few bucks here on Earth when we can have the very riches of eternity in Heaven? Why trade the security of God for the anxiety of our own ability and worry? I like God's plan better. Give me a birth that comes from God; a new life in Christ Jesus!

Why dither in the decision? Believe in Jesus and be reborn in Christ today!


1 comment:

Bucky said...

Thank you very much!
