Thursday, June 10, 2010

At Home With Us - June 10, 2010

Good Thursday morning! Things are damp and sticky this morning as the wind blows the humidity in and around everything. My house is hardly in perfect cleanliness this morning, and the same can be said about me. Would the Son of God really feel welcome here? Wouldn't He reach down from his throne in Heaven and do a bit of sanitizing and cleaning first? John 1:14 doesn't mention any preparations of that type when the Word came down to Earth.

"So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father's one and only Son."

Jesus didn't wait for the heavenly cleaning crew to make a run through Israel. Diseases, disabilities, and demons all awaited his arrival, but he came anyway. Corruption in the courts and sins in the home didn't change at his birth. The Word, the very Son of God, became human and lived with people just like us. At times those people would have been at their best: feeling good and free from sickness, dressed to the nines and in fine shape, such as the wedding at Cana. Other times, Jesus came upon the very worst of people: tax collectors in the act of ripping off their own people; politicians seeking the high seats of the corrupt, and religious leaders burdening the people with rules and worse, failing to see the very Son of God. And then Jesus came upon those of us who didn't have the house swept spotless, or were suffering from disease, or sneaking around in shame to the well at mid-day, or the many other situations we find even to this day.

Jesus didn't come looking for us at our best; he came to heal us at our worst. Jesus also came to live among us. That may not be quite as amazing as dying for our sins, but would you or I come down from Heaven to live here? So the verse tells us then how they worshipped and adored the Son? Nope, as we find throughout the Bible, we learn the important things about Jesus: "He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness." Jesus didn't take a quick look around Judea and announce, "Whewee, this place has to go!" Nope, he came in humility, gave us peace and joy, and left in love.

And lest we forget, showed a select few his glory. John saw it with Peter and James at the transfiguration, many others saw it after Jesus rose from the grave. But in case we should doubt, one more time John affirms his eyewitness, "...and we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father's one and only Son." We have yet to see the glory of the Son, but we will one great day see the glory of God's one and only Son. John made sure that we got the point in this verse. There will not be another Jesus and God is not going to send more sons. We believe on the one and only Son of God, or we lose all the grace, peace, love, joy, and eternal life that Jesus offered to those who will believe.

Praise God the Father for His one and only Son, Jesus Christ!


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