Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Under Attack - April 21, 2010

Good Wednesday morning! I voted my few shares of Level 3 stock yesterday, but I did have some reservations. You see, the company board wants to do a reverse stock split at some ratio they don't want to say, but then issue 550 million more shares. Perhaps I don't have the mentality of the rich and privileged in this land, but if your shares are too diluted, wouldn't it make more sense to first stop issuing more?

"The ship is still sinking sir. I think the baling thimbles we issued are just too small!" the chief of the S.S. Level3 reported.

"You're right, son. Let's recall all of the thimbles and hand out teacups, or buckets, or tubs...I haven't decided on the ratio yet," the captain ordered, "but first issue more thimbles!"

"Umm, yes sir," the chief responded dubiously, "but shouldn't we try to fix the leak first?"

In our lives we are surrounded by people trying desperately to fix the symptoms. We have diseases without cures and conditions with unknown causes. While doctors work to fix the symptoms, other doctors and scientists are trying to first find the cause so they have somewhere to begin the search for a cure. Corporations look at their stock price and try all manner of fixes, but sometimes fail to address the cause. We do the same thing in our own lives. We see symptoms, but try our best to ignore the sin.

Organizations are simply groups of people. Is it any wonder that they have the same problems in some cases that we do as individuals? Placing bandages on symptoms, organizations pat themselves on the back for their proactive stance while the cause of the wounds goes on stabbing. Sorry, that's a bit of a bloody example there, perhaps I should have used tires and patches as the metaphor!

We don't take the time to think that an organization might be under attack much like we are. If the devil wants to make you miserable, where do you spend many of your waking hours? Yes, at work. By throwing confusion, unbelief, and persecution into the workplace, the devil can make any of us quite miserable for 40 or more hours each week. And that only counts the hours you are there, not the time at home spent mumbling to yourself with tears of frustration running down your face. Of course, if you lose that job, as many of us did in this recession, you have even more time to sit at home mumbling to yourself with tears of shame and humiliation running down your face. Getting past either condition takes a big dose of comfort from Jesus.

Just as the individual is under attack, so are the organizations we join, live under, and work for. Churches are obvious targets, and we have seen some examples of Satan's victories in the press when church leaders have fallen into sin. Governments can make our lives easier or more difficult by their actions, and the place you work for can make your life a yoke of many tons. Jesus told us to follow him, for his yoke is easy and his burden light. That is hard to understand until you come to realize the yoke you lived under before coming to believe in Christ.

We need to pray for the organizations we live under in this world, and for those who lead them.

Trust in Jesus to lead you this day,


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