Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How Far Away are You? - April 28, 2010

Good Wednesday morning! If a person we know takes off on a long trip, the question we most want to ask is often: where are you? I'm not sure what drives this, perhaps a need for some kind of control of the situation. If traveller gets into trouble, we would at least have some idea of their last location. We often try to ask the same of Jesus, but in a roundabout way. We study the scripture for clues about his second coming, while knowing full well that no man will know the time of His return, just as Jesus told us. We want to ask Jesus how far away He is from that glorious return trip.

God gave each of us a burning need to know. We ask questions, research, learn, and store facts in our little heads about all manner of subjects. We want to know as much as God does, but we don't have the capability to be omniscient as He is. This desire can go too far until we worship the very knowledge we seek, or it can be used in a healthy way to ask questions of God's creation and seek the answers we do not yet have. We can also ask questions of God's Word, the Bible, and seek for the deeper meanings that He alone provides through his Holy Spirit.

The Bible will not explicitly tell any of us that Jesus is returning on this date and time in the year 2xxx, but the scripture does give us signs to watch for. Jesus also told us not to worry when the first signs appear, as they have already, but to trust in Him. Anytime we don't know everything about something that will occur, we tend to worry. Look at your death, you don't know the date or time of that, and so you have a tendency to worry about it. If a friend takes off on a trip without filing an itinerary with you, you get worried about all manner of things.

I would be guilty. If someone I know takes off with a casual, "I'm leaving on vacation; don't know where I'm going and I'm not sure when I'll be back!" I would tend to wonder more and worry more about that person than if I had knowledge of their destination and anticipated return. In a similar manner, we know where Jesus went, but don't know exactly where Heaven is, and we don't know when He will return. What is quite different is that we have no worries about Him or His welfare; instead we are worried about our selves and our loved ones and when He will return to rescue us. Looks like we are the ones who are "away" and have no idea about our return trip!

The question isn't how far away Jesus is from home, but when He will come to bring us home. We are the ones out there in the world, lost and in need of saving.

Have a wonderful day. Jesus is Lord!


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