Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Friend for Life - May 12, 2009

Good Tuesday morning! We have these cloudy things around this morning, but morning it is - like it or don't. I have a PC to fix today; it would be nice to have my writing rig back in action. Obstacles - in this life we know they will appear in our path. However, we also know that this life is no longer ours and the path is now the Way. Does an obstacle appear to be a mountain in your path? Jesus knows the way over that mountain. Does the obstacle look like a huge, dark valley before you? Jesus knows the way into and out of that valley and He will lead us through. You might be like me this morning, the obstacles appear to be both a mountain and a valley... and an enemy army, and a fire-breathing dragon, and a brick wall, and perhaps even a raging horde of zombie cannibals... all at once! Aiieee, what is a person to do in this life?

Wait a minute, the peace of God comes upon us. Zombie cannibals are by definition only a danger to members of their own kind (that's why they're raging!); the brick wall has a set of stairs leading over it; fire-breathing dragons went out of style centuries ago; the enemy army is in confusion; and while you and I may not be able to see the path leading through the dark valley and over the high mountain, we do have a wonderful and charming guide to take us to the promised land! Our guide doesn't say go here and do this all the time, He says "follow me" and "walk with me", and promises to give us life abundantly. All of our problems are but little pebbles in His path. He may allow some of those problems to hurt us for a time, but our Guide is always in control. In the end, we may go quietly in our beds or not, but Jesus will be there with us for every step of the journey. Who wouldn't want a lifetime friend to walk with in this dark life? Take the hand of Jesus, turn away from your troubles and look only at Him!

Great God in Heaven, please let us live only in you and for your glory!


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