Saturday, May 09, 2009

Confusion - May 9, 2009

Good Saturday morning! Sad tales of the West today on my show; massacres is the subject for this morning's episode. One thing I have noticed in reading about the Old West is that you cannot pick tales of heroism and finding a paradise in which to work and live in peace. Those tales do exist, but along with those tales one must also read the other tales of people at their worst, at least to have complete research. Whether in war or simply for survival, I do notice that vengeance is one of the main reasons given for the massacres. Do we have to wonder why the Lord reserves vengeance to himself?  

More fun in the morning! Why is it easier to believe some theory than to believe that the instrument made to take some measurement has a basic flaw? Not sure, but it keeps us wondering. We have the capacity to look and wonder, either with our senses or in our minds. If we keep in mind the Creator of all this, no problem. However, people continue to look away from God for answers. This adds more confusion to the confusion we already have. Could it be possible that someone wants to sow confusion? Very possible, for lies can pile upon lies until we are so confused we don't know what to believe. Certainly this amount of confusion would serve the interests of a power that some do not want to admit exists. 

Praise the Lord for simplicity! To expand on what Paul points out in Ephesians 4: there is only one God, one Spirit, one Lord Jesus, one of you, one of me, and one decision to make - do you or I believe in Jesus or not? We do, and while you or I might wonder about the infinite vastness of space. How does that help the people around us? Two straightforward commands will alleviate this confusion. Love God with all you heart, mind, strength, and spirit; and love your neighbor as yourself. We don't have to avoid science or wondering, but we must remember that creation has a Creator. 

What a glorious day for work in Jesus! 


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