Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Loving Each Other - December 9, 2008

Good Tuesday morning! We won the booby prize in the snow contest again. I thought we had a good start last night when I went to bed... and I woke up this morning to find that even that little bit had blown away. The cold will be here though, and in case we have any doubts about winter, there is a chance of snow this weekend.

How are you today? In case no one asks you today, or means the question as nothing more than a casual greeting, I will take the time to ask about your circumstances. In my former workplace one of the amusing activities I had was to respond with something off the wall to the "how are you?" line used so casually. Often I would get the response of "I'm fine too," proving that the other person had in no way listened to my actual response. On the other hand, there were my brothers and sisters in Christ, who would stop and let me know that he or she would pray for me. Of course, for the off the wall answers this would not involve prayer, except perhaps regarding the question of my sanity.

The good news in this is that we do as Jesus told us, we love one another. Caring about the health and circumstances of our brothers and sisters in Christ is a step toward loving everyone. Love is the reason we help each other with moves, house repairs and cleanup, rides to various places, and the many other ways that we can help out in this life. The most important way to help each other? Prayer. Engage in the power of prayer for all of those we love. The other person does not have to be stricken with something to be the object of prayer. Of course for those we know are facing a specific problem, we can grant them specific prayers for healing or overcoming strength. We also pray in great strength for those who do yet believe in Jesus. Even those who have made it clear to us that they, "don't want to hear it!" can be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the prayers of God's people. We hope that no one requires the direct intervention of three Christmas ghosts, but I am sure that God will spare nothing to save every last person who will believe. Even old Scrooge wasn't beyond help as Dickens demonstrates in his story. Never give up praying for everyone!

Have a beautiful Christmas!


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