Tuesday, October 03, 2006

October 3, 2006

Good Morning! Today is another great day in the Lord! What do we choose to believe? Last night, just as a finished my prayers, a cool breeze picked up, like a cleansing wave. Now some in the world might say coincidence, but I choose to believe differently. The world might say just a lucky break that a cold front arrived at just that time, 2100 to the second. In the world, yes it might seem that way. When we choose to believe, only then do we realize that God made all of creation and set in motion the events to have that weather front arrive at just that moment in time to give at least one believer a little reminder that God is always here and always listening. The world might use such terms as gullible, rube, simple, stupid, and others, in Christ we know better and we seek to spread the good news. Simple, I’ll take that one, simple faith in Jesus. Some still claim that we must choose between good and evil; that this will determine our fate or karma. However, in Christ we beg to differ, the choice is between God through faith in his Son, or faith in ourselves. At some point all believers come to realize that faith in our own self or humanity is the road to destruction, only in Christ can our hope be fulfilled. Only in Christ is life eternal. Those who choose who choose to believe in one or more of the many things the world offers; secular humanism, Darwinism, the UN, churches of various types, etc; really have chosen to believe in their self knowledge or wisdom. Jesus said that whoever lays down their life for his sake shall regain it and that you must give up your own life to follow him. The opposite goes for those who reject him, they choose to cling to their own life and believe only in themselves. The choice is not good or evil; the choice is Jesus or not, there are no other alternatives.

God loves you!


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