Saturday, October 21, 2006

October 21, 2006

Good morning! It must be Saturday, praise God for the day! It would be difficult to get around mentioning the big game out here today, Texas at Nebraska. Though you may not believe it, life will go on in Nebraska, no matter how the team performs in the game. Back in the day when most of us would have been serfs, cheering the home team meant something more life altering. If the “team” lost, the opposing team got to set fire to your village, loot everything of value and carry the virgins back home with them. The survivors usually faced starvation or at the very least a long walk to poverty in some other village. Today, unless you foolishly bet your savings on the outcome, we do not face danger to life and home when our team loses the big one, but we do still like to see them win.
I see some of the media has taken to predicting a Democratic Party victory in Congress already. Elections have a way of surprising the media, perhaps since so many of their predictions are based on wishful thinking; I suspect that we should probably wait for the outcome to report the results.
Setting aside the faith and confidence you have in yourself and then trusting in God completely can be a difficult process. I say process since it may be the journey of a lifetime. One of the blessings of growing older is in realizing that you cannot trust in your body, no matter how much you work it out. There are so many things on this earth that can bring us down that I don’t even need to list them all, no doubt many popped into your head even as you read this. We place our faith in God, because he loves us and because when the trials come they prove how weak we really are in this world. There are giants and mountains aplenty in this world, we cannot conquer them all on our own or even together. However, with our faith in Christ Jesus, you and I can conquer any giant or climb any mountain.
In time we can either have confidence in our own abilities and be beaten down by one giant that is too big or one mountain that is too high, or we can put our faith in Jesus and climb over every giant and mountain until he welcomes us home. Did you ever stop to realize that without Jesus, we would probably expend what little strength we had climbing the wrong mountain? Some of the mountains in this life are meant to be looked at; trust in God to show you the mountains he has prepared for you alone.

Have a wonderful weekend in Christ Jesus!


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