Thursday, May 09, 2024

We Believe That He Is!

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.  John 11:25

We have met a few boasters in this life. There are those who boast of themselves, "I'm the greatest grasshopper slapper there ever was!" And those who boast of their family members, "My daddy invented sliced bread!" We may politely keep quiet, but we also know that those who said such things are not likely the greatest or that inventor who gave us convenient loaves of toast. However, there came to a Roman-occupied land in the 1st century a man who made such extraordinary statements about himself that few would even attempt to match them. This man made his statements, one of which is in our verse for today, in a land where any statement like that caused a whole bunch of people to reach for throwing rocks to stone the blasphemer to death. 

And so, we have to decide. Believe Him, and His extraordinary boasts become real to us. Reject him as a megalomaniac crackpot, and his statements are just ravings. Or, grab some throwing stones to silence the liar as many tried to do in his time. According to this Jesus, all we have to gain for that belief is eternal life. 

Love to you in Christ our Lord!


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