Friday, May 24, 2024

Remeberoializing Day

And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, “What is it, lord?” So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.

Now you can see why they didn't let me make up the title for the holiday coming on Monday. I mean, other than the fact that on the first observance on May 30, 1868, my birth was still about 95 years away. Memorials in the Bible were established with the Law of Moses beginning in Exodus and continuing throughout the laws. In the Acts, a man named Cornelius had been praying, and it seems rather appropriate this weekend that this was an officer serving his country when word came to him that his prayers and alms had come up for a memorial before the Lord. While a person may not be able to afford alms, any of us could be among the poor who receive them instead, all of us can pray, and the word from the Lord says that those prayers are remembered. Another memorial that we can pray over is that greatest of loves, laying down ones life for friends. Out on the front lines, it can be difficult to see a sacrifice for such big things as nations and peoples, especially those far away. Much easier coming to mind are buddies, mates, and friends who are right there; and the possibility of the great sacrifice being called for. Mine was not called for in those days of my service, but for those who did pay that price we have Memorial Day. 

In case I am still without home Internet on Monday: Have a wonderful Memorial Day as you remember the sacrifice of those who died serving our great nation!


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