Monday, May 06, 2024

How Was Your Weekend?

Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words [concerning our reunion with believers who have died].  1 Thessalonians 4:18  Amplified Bible

This morning I will be asked more than once about my weekend. As I am one who tends to spend the weekend alone, it may be that people want to fill in the gap of those two days in their knowledge. Or, perhaps they are sociable people who await my changing to something more normal in their experience. Okay, they think I'm crazy and want to be the first to know when that final straw breaks the ol' camel for good. Whatever the reason, this little reunion each Monday morning is as nothing when compared to that reunion with the dearly departed we look for in Christ Jesus. One of the most comforting and encouraging of word sets to read comes in the verses preceding this one for today where Paul writes of that snatching away we know as the Rapture. 

Comfort for our reunion in Christ!


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