Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Who Can This Be?

So they watched him closely, whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him. Mark 3:2

All those pronouns, who can this be? We can glean a few clues without much effort. He has the ability to heal people, but is it only on one day each week? He also has enemies or competitors who want to accuse him, and they are monitoring him. With the citation of the book and verse, we can learn easily that this is Jesus being watched, and that the watchers are the Pharisees using a cloak of legality hoping to turn good works of healing into crimes. Strangely, if just one of them remembered the law of neighborly love (Leviticus 19:18), would he have wanted the suffering man to suffer one more minute, much less to suffer until the next day? Of course we know from further study that these Pharisees cared not a bit about the man's withered hand, but wanted only to destroy Jesus.

If we had nothing more to go on than these first six verses of Mark 3, we could still see that something was quite rotten in the Pharisees, and that Jesus had a wonderful healing ministry. Who can this be?


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