Cast your burden on the LORD, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. -- Psalm 55:22
Times of trouble, tribulation, and terror will come. David in this great psalm expresses several things in his complaint that would each be enough for us to cry out to the Lord. In verses 4 and 5, David's heart is severely pained within him, the terrors of death have fallen upon him, plus fearfulness and trembling and horror too! One thing we can often take away from David's anxiety psalms is a sense of maybe I don't have it so bad as I think. Of course we can also read how one of God's anointed kings had exactly what we feel at times.
As David continues through his psalm, we read of a desire to fly away from it all, and to wander the wilderness away from the problems the world has heaped upon him. Then he goes to anger and prays for the Lord's destruction to come upon the enemies. In the midst of this David presents a promise that we can use: "As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me." and our verse for today. Burdens of troubles will come upon us all in seasons, yes, often when the weather is flirting with extremes. I mean, why shouldn't the world's weather give us a good kick when we are crushed under other burdens?
The answer is always to come to the Lord; where we can say, "I am sustained by the Lord!"
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