Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” John 2:20
It seemed to the Jews in our verse today that Jesus had said something so far out there that they could not help but point out the obvious error in his statement. They tendered to our Lord a simple question of misunderstanding. However, we can see that this question shows just how far from understanding who had come to the temple that day these Jews were. By their question, they try to show how right they were and how wrong the Son of God was. Well when you say it that way... They did not believe in Jesus, therefore they could not understand who stood in the temple with them.
Jesus stands behind a wall of misunderstanding, holding out His mighty hand through a little hole in that wall and hoping someone will take hold of it by faith. The ignorance of the world tells us we cannot fit through that hole, but faith tells us that Jesus will take care of any barrier, no matter how strong it may lo0k from the wrong side.
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