Thursday, February 06, 2025

Believe Also In Him

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. John 14:1

Troubling things in your life? I don't even have to ask, we all have things we can be troubled over. However, we have this command from Jesus, "Let not your heart be troubled." That is not a suggestion or open to interpretation, but a command. So how do we obey this command in a world where anxiety, dread, worry, and fear are heaped upon us every moment? Jesus gives that to us next, "believe also in Me," a command to give us strength for His first command in this verse.

The disciples hearing this had grown up believing in God from their earliest childhood. Jesus here shows them that He is equal to God and that He is God. We know this because Jesus had also told them that no one could serve two masters. Jesus here was not offering another master to them, but letting them know that God stood before them as the Son of Man.

Believe also in Jesus.


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