Monday, July 01, 2024

Overwhelming Anxious Imagining

If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest?  Luke 12:26

It is interesting to note that the least thing Jesus spoke of here in our verse for today involved adding a cubit to their height. A cubit runs about 18 inches. And yet we all did it too! Even the most vertically challenged among us added more than a cubit to our infant height. But He spoke to adult humans, and indeed those 18 inches in height do not seem least at all to us. And yet again, if anxious worry produced vertical growth in humans, some of us, including me, would probably be 20 or 30 feet tall by now. But that doesn't happen. Instead, we may be taller or shorter according to the measure of normal, but invisible with us strides that giant of our anxious imagination, overwhelming in its depressive effects on us. Well, Jesus had a simple solution to that giant, take up faith in Him and do not fear.

Fear not, little ones, your Savior has all under His control.


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