Monday, June 19, 2023

Sowing Confusion

I will send My fear before you, I will cause confusion among all the people to whom you come, and will make all your enemies turn their backs to you. Exodus 23:27

Shopping for lawn mower blades this morning, I opened up my Bible to see if I could find a jug of apple cider. Before you call for the authorities to take me away for a bit of a rest, I wondered about this confusion the Lord promises to Israel. Imagine for a moment that you and I happen to be living in the promised land, the land God promised to Israel that is, and this confusion came over us. We might wake up on a Monday morning saying things such as that first sentence I wrote up there. And when Israel came to the border, oh dear, one could only imagine the terror that would make the military forces turn tail and run. For us today, this verse from those elder days simply means that we do not ever want to be opposed to God. We know already from the many who suffer mental illnesses, myself included, that the human mind's stability is not as rock-solid as one might think! And how quickly can fear overwhelm any of us with just a slight change in circumstances?

I am so glad this morning that God sent His Son to save us!


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