Thursday, June 01, 2023

Can It Be So Simple?

He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18

The teacher of Israel may have looked for some revelation of the law that he could learn and pass on to his students. And he did! However, not fitting with his world-based expectations and experience, Nicodemus was at a loss. Believe, that's it? How do we obtain eternal life? Well, avoiding condemnation would seem a great first step. Maybe it is the only step? Jesus, as we might say, freaked out Nicodemus by making it about two groups of people - those believing in the Son of God, and those not believing. This man had spent his lifetime to that point learning the law, practicing the law, and he became so proficient that he earned the title, Teacher of Israel. And Jesus said to believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God for eternal life.

Believe in the Son. Yes, it is that simple!


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