Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Chasing The Neverending

And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh. Ecclesiastes 12:12

Since the first six books were published, there have been those of us who wanted to write and to read them. Truly as Solomon observed, there can be no end of making books. And, if we try to acquire a library, there will always be at least six dozen new books on our wish list. If a friend were to help us out by purchasing those books as a gift, it would only awaken the ravenous beast of desire for the next six hundred books. For this we have an admonishment from the wise king: correct the error and be on guard. Too much reading and study are wearisome, and one of the great unfairnesses of the world is that it burns few calories. Living persons are important too, and we can learn much by talking to them. At the least, we can talk with them about the books we have read. This is no idle boast, as the collection of books we know as the Bible can be the beginning of our testimony!

Rejoice in the reading and sharing of His Word!


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