Thursday, February 24, 2022

Well, Then There's That

But I am like a green olive tree
in the house of God.
I trust in the steadfast love of God
forever and ever.   Psalm 52:8 ESV

A long climb up a steep mountain or something like it may have been mentioned by me last week. This week seems much the same. Well, then there's this war, not a rumor any longer, but actual war in Ukraine. When I am disappointed in the world situation, which seems rather often these days, it is to verses and passages of the Bible such as this one from David I turn to for comfort. In the end times, which are now, and in the great tribulation that is to come, many people will turn to something for comfort. We read the Word of God and pray, but others will turn to other devices, activities and substances for their comfort. We may want to look to our nation though, the powers of this world may be counting on the U.S.A. to turn away from God. In fact, it may not be about who is living in our White House, but where our faith is that causes the powers of the world to deem the time ripe for conquest.

Have a prayerful day in the Lord Jesus!


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