Monday, February 07, 2022

He Manages The Crossing Over

​Remember the former things of old,
​​For I am God, and there is no other;
​​I am God, and there is none like Me,
  -- Isaiah 46:9

We tend to remember our former things of old, but here God tells Israel to remember His former things of old. And one of these is of course that crossing of the Red Sea in the Exodus. Now to someone hundreds or more years later, this was no small task. Just as it is for us, it was easy for them to not believe such an incredible story from a distant past. However, that story is such a great allegory for our walk with Christ today. First there was trust in God. How else do you make one foot step off in front of you when you see a canyon with walls of water stretching out before you? "Go there," he said, "easy for him to say!" The way of escape was not an easy one and went against everything the Israelites thought they knew about water and the world. We also face our walls of water as we make the crossing of this life. Death seems to loom over us on each side, but by trusting in God we have that one path of dry ground to walk on. Did those Israelites, as we often do, walk the path crying in fear? Probably to begin with, but it likely dawned upon them that God could take each and every life whenever He pleased, and moment by moment their confidence in the Lord grew until they could see the end and knew the Word passed to them by Moses was true.

Walk with faith in God, and don't fear those walls on either side of us, trust Him to manage the ending!


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