Friday, September 03, 2021

Gaining Understanding

How much better to get wisdom than gold!
And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. Proverbs 16:16

Have we ever set that desire for silver and gold aside in our need to pray instead for wisdom and understanding? The proverb tells us the better things to pray for. Understanding was on my mind this morning, and not understanding of myself so much, though that is a need, but understanding of that other person. Most of the time, I already have access to my thoughts and there is no mystery there. (The least of the time is when I'm wondering, "Now where did that strange thought come from?) However, the other person's thinking is a mystery to me unless their thoughts should spill out in speech, which I admit does happen perhaps more often than we would like to hear. Asking the Lord for understanding does not always occur to me, not even when I need it. And yet, how much better than lots of loot would it be to gain an understanding of why this person has done what he did or how it can be that person feels the way she does about the issue. Understanding the other person, a prayer for today!

May God grant us understanding and wisdom this day!


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