Friday, July 09, 2021

Where The Noise Is

You who are full of noise,
​​A tumultuous city, a joyous city?
​​Your slain men are not slain with the sword,
​​Nor dead in battle.  Isaiah 22:2

The prophecy in Isaiah is about Jerusalem, but reading this verse we could easily see it bearing on each of us. Inside the mind we are full of noise, sometimes tumultuous, sometimes joyous, and sometimes with those worried visions of death for us or our loved ones. Indeed if you are among those of a more introverted and less garrulous nature then the noise is nearly all kept inside the mind. That does not mean that we worry less, it just doesn't pass our lips so often as others. So when it comes to this noise of worried thoughts, we are just as guilty as the more talkative and outgoing types. The men of the mind do not actually die with the sword in battle, but they are worried to death. All of which, spoken or only thought, puts us in direct disobedience of our Lord's commands to not worry. Let us be full of the noise of praise and gratitude to our Lord Jesus; a more joyous noise than the tumult of worry.

In the Lord Jesus Christ,


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