Monday, July 12, 2021

No Pot Of Gold?

The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth. Genesis 9:16

The rainbow we see in the clouds came to be when God made a covenant with all the flesh of the Earth. There was no performance clause on our side, only a promise from our Lord God to not let the waters become a flood that would destroy all life again. Somewhere in the years between the giving of that covenant and our times, a pot of gold became involved at the end of this rainbow. How did that happen? It is of course easy to see how greed and lust could become involved when our fallen nature is taken into account. It is as if the promise of God to not destroy all flesh again by flood is somehow not good enough without a little worldly lucre to sweeten the deal. This sort of behavior points us to the reason for the rainbow in the sky, which was not for our reminder but God's! The Lord states in His promise that, "I will look on it to remember..." Why should this be necessary for our Lord who remembers and knows all things? Is it that we are going to fall into that same behavior that brought the flood? It has happened in Israel in the Old Testament, and in Rome in the New Testament, and many other kingdoms of the world since Bible times, and even now is happening all around us. Our pot of gold is that each day God looks upon His rainbow and forbears once again to flood the earth to wipe out the rampant sin.

Praise God that we can have forgiveness of that sin as each of us comes to believe in Jesus!


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