Friday, July 02, 2021

Think You Have A Tough Job?

So Ahab summoned Obadiah, who supervised the palace. (Now Obadiah was a very loyal follower of the LORD).  1 Kings 18:3

You and I can easily think back to a job or position that we did not like, not so much for the work but due to the supervisor. Here is a man called Obadiah, who we are glad to call brother because of one important reference: the Bible states that he was a very loyal follower of the Lord. Obadiah had a great job too, palace supervisor, or at least it would have been but for one four-letter word that belongs with every other four-letter word we try to avoid in conversation, Ahab. As supervisor of the palace and very loyal follower of the Lord, Obadiah was likely a delight to work with and for. However, along with Ahab came his wife and queen, Jezebel. We know from the histories that this was a woman who hated, and she loved to hate the prophets of the Lord. Jezebel likely got up each morning thinking of ways to show that certain love of hers to all who would cheer her on in her murderous ways. Obadiah probably didn't proselytize at work. Obadiah may have got up each morning wondering to the Lord why he had been put in this position as chief servant to the greatest haters of the Lord the world had ever seen And you thought your work was tough.  

Perhaps your work position is similar to Obadiah's, but we know some good news for those suffering today. Jezebel and Ahab are gone. The Lord lives! Followers of the Lord are welcomed daily into the eternal rest of their Lord and Savior. For any suffering, our patient hope is in Christ the Lord!


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