Thursday, July 15, 2021

Stay Here?

Trust in the LORD, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Psalm 37:3

Trusting in the Lord has an air of contentment with where we are now. Doing good can be done right where we are now. We can feed on His faithfulness in any place that we may be. Dwell in the land, oh no, means that we stay here?! Imagine using this verse as a command to stay put to this year's graduating class. The outcry would be tremendous as some have already moved out to start their new life by this time in mid-July, others anticipate leaving within a month to begin college, and others are still trying to decide where to move on to. Even in a church the call to a mission field far away has been looked up to, while the call to stay put is sometimes looked down upon as being of lesser faith. After all God only selects the best and most faithful as missionaries because that is what we would do, right? No, no, no, more faith may be required to stay where we are, and the toughest mission may well be to the neighbors who saw us grow up as we know from the ministry of our Lord Jesus in Nazareth. If it is a tough mission we think we need, the Lord can of course provide it far away or right here. As for the greater faith, it is our weakness that brings out the perfection of the Lord's strength as Paul found out when he wanted his thorn removed by the Lord. So, yes, trust in the Lord, do good, and feed on His faithfulness as you dwell in the land!

That last line was really good, almost like a Bible verse!


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