Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Timing in Sorrow

Like one who takes away a garment in cold weather,
And like vinegar on soda,
Is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.  Proverbs 25:20

This morning due to circumstances beyond our control I sought out a verse about cooling (there wasn't one) and then about cold. The bonus was in the vinegar and soda. Who hasn't played at least a little with vinegar and soda as a child? Most grow up and leave it in childhood, but some of us maintain the facade of adulthood by only using it on slow drains. If I had a wife she would likely snatch the vinegar away from me over my protests. 

"It's just vinegar and soda, dear!" 

"I'm not worried about the vinegar, it's that odd laugh you do while pouring it that concerns me." 

Yes, that's me, guilty of the occasional odd laugh when enjoying childish things. However, the verse for today is about timing, especially timing in sorrow. The boss and I have noted that this year appears to be one of departures from this earth. While we did lose many to the Covid as expected in 2020, it seems to us that many more have departed this year due to various other causes. This has given us an opportunity to reflect on mourning, both by first hand experience and also by observation. Proverbs brings us the wisdom of not singing a song to one of a heavy heart. This does not mean that we should not sing a hymn at a funeral, but rather that certain happy songs at a moment of mourning are not welcome. Recall that Sunday School song with the verses, If you're happy and you know it... take some physical action? Singing that one to a brother or sister in mourning might cause a physical action that you both come to regret!

A morning salute to loving one another enough to mourn with each other,


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