Monday, June 28, 2021

And She Ran

But all this was done that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.
Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled. Matthew 26:56

Mary ran to bring the disciples word of Jesus being alive again. John and Peter ran to check out the empty tomb for themselves. The disciples ran to forsake Jesus in the garden at His arrest. Not all running is good, especially when it is done from fear. Sometimes the running is from a mistake or an accident, as may well be with a certain sign holder and a big crash in the Tour de France this weekend. We can sympathize and empathize with that sign holder who caused a terrible crash simply wanting to say something to someone with a sign in front of a television camera. A powerful government has already spoken to the media about criminal charges and a lawsuit; a good reason to want to run and hide. The disciples would understand that desire to flee and take cover. It is uncomfortable to say the least when a world authority is out to get you.

The desire to flee might be overwhelming when we do not even know what will come of a mistake or accident. Jesus of course had committed no sin, or mistake, or even caused accidental injury or damage. Yet, He knew the terrible things that were to be His to bear, and still He stood for the temple soldiers to arrest Him. Knowing as we do that strong urge to flee and to escape at times in life, we marvel all the more at our Lord's love and devotion to us that held Him there while the world authorities sought to put Him to death. Amazing is our Lord Jesus! He didn't run.


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