Thursday, June 24, 2021

Taking Advantage of Jesus

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Matthew 11:28

Throughout your career a message likely comes at times telling you that your employer is taking advantage of you. This is disingenuous as the first and older definition in the dictionary is making good use of. In other words, your employer is supposed to take advantage of you; it might even be said that it is his or her job to do so. What the messenger wants you to leap to is of course that other definition, the one where the advantage is taken unreasonably, unfairly, and without your knowledge. The messenger will then fix this condition for you by the application of your cash to their bank account.  You might see a bit of the old irony there. 

Then, there is our verse today. Jesus invites, even calls, all of us to come to Him and trade our labor and heavy burdens for His rest. And there is not even an address to send money to His bank account. It just makes one wonder how our Lord can win making this sort of trade. Could there be a more unbalanced trade in all taking advantage of deals? Yes, you have the one! Salvation. Jesus  suffered humiliation, late night trials, beatings, a scourging, more humiliation, more trials, and died on the cross to save us from our sins. To gain this remission of sins, we have only to believe in Him. Seems like it is we who are taking advantage of Jesus again. 

Come to Me, He said, and here we live in Him!


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