Friday, June 04, 2021

Searching For You

and He who is searching the hearts hath known what is the mind of the Spirit, because according to God he doth intercede for saints.  Romans 8:27 YLT

He who is searching the hearts is of course searching for YOU! (And me.) This is the first time I have used something called Young's Literal Translation of the Bible. It sounds a little Shakespearean, "He hath known." Our usual NKJV did not use  the 'ing' version of search, and so it did not come up in my text search. There is a lot of searching going on today. 

It is perhaps my early religious training or maybe the time spent in military service, but when I read of the Lord searching hearts, I tend to think of an inspection. Watch out! The Lord is looking through the files of your heart to find all that is wrong! While that does seem to be the job of the Lord's Spirit in order to root out all evil, did I ever stop to think that the Lord is searching  hearts for those who will believe in Him? Could it be that the Lord is not interested in finding fault, since according to His word that is a foregone conclusion, but instead would find each heart ready for Him and bring it to His Son for salvation. Yes, you might say the Good Shepherd is bringing His sheep home as the Father finds them. So, for all those lost sheep who do not yet believe, today may be the day for our Lord to find you. Get ready for a new life in Christ!

A joyous Friday to you in Jesus our Lord!


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