Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Preparing The Place

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."  John 14:1-2

The time for His ascension drew close and Jesus began to prepare His disciples and us for the separation soon to take place. We have some of those in this life, and it is not unusual for the departing to say a few words at that time. Often it will be about taking care of your mother, or the other siblings, or even the family business. Jesus did those things too, but He also had some rather startling promises and this scripture today is one of them. A place for you? Now sure, if a person was blessed with a particularly obnoxious old man, then he might at his passing promise to meet us in a place that we have reason to dread and call us some crude anatomical name as well. We might resolve to never meet the old screw again and look for a different sort of promise of the afterlife. Jesus introduced the disciples to a house of many mansions belonging to His Father. And that sounds like a much better and more welcoming place to see after our passing! But, like those disciples seated around our Lord receiving instruction, we might have some trouble believing the promise. Jesus sent His Spirit to help us with that, He went to prepare those places. 

Let us rejoice in the rejoining to come when we meet Jesus and see the place He has prepared! Amen.


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