Friday, March 26, 2021

The Time Comes, Watch For It!

"Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."  Matthew 25:13

The time has come and the judgment is upon them. The five virgins are in and the other five are locked outside. No wonder, the world says in outrage, for the five virgins did not share with their sisters as your teacher commanded them to do in various places in that holy text you use! Where was their love that you preach? 

Now the five wise virgins are to blame for the five foolish virgins not being ready when the time arrived? 

That is the way of the world. When it is to their advantage it is necessary, even right, for the wise to join the foolish outside the closed doors and all ten must then be locked out. Nevermind that the five foolish ones could have asked well before the bridegroom arrived, after all there was a time when all ten fell asleep waiting, but to them it is the responsibility of the wise ones to cut their readiness in half at the demand of the foolish ones. 

However, the wise virgins do not attempt to split their oil in the vessels, for the sudden demand of the foolish ones may not even be possible. And as we have come to conclude that this oil in the vessels is the life of Christ given to each one He has saved by His grace through faith in Him alone, we can see that it is not for the wise virgins to split up and parcel out. Five virgins were ready, and five were not when that time came to pass and the doors to the wedding drew to a close. 

Wisdom and readiness come from our Lord Jesus, let us come to Him to be made ready. 


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