Friday, March 12, 2021

A Dog Not Bark?

But against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue, against man or beast, that you may know that the LORD does make a difference between the Egyptians and Israel. Exodus 11:7

That is amazing. If you have ever tried to walk around a sleeping dog early in the morning when things are so quiet... that's nothing. You may have even managed it a time or two. This night was the Passover, and a great cry was going to go up from Egypt just after midnight, "such as was not like it before, nor shall be like it again." (v6). That cry would certainly set all the dogs to barking, but not in Israel. We know that dogs love to bark and have no conception of anything like zero-dark thirty except as a really spiffy time to bark their fool heads off. In fact, the middle of the day, they think, is a great time for them to bark too, and it does not have to be at anything in particular. A passing cloud shadow can set a dog off just as well as a 400-lb squirrel attempting to sneak into the garage at 3:00 am. And yet, here the Lord promises that not one dog will bark at the children of Israel or their beasts. One might think it only for that night of the Passover, but probably the Lord was going to show this most plainly when the multitude of Israel walked out that next day past the houses of the Egyptians while not one dog would bark at them. A dog not bark? Incredible! 

Love the power of the Lord!


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