Wednesday, January 29, 2020

What Was His Motive?

The LORD’s light penetrates the human spirit,
exposing every hidden motive. Proverbs 20:27

When we speak of motive, some among us might be reminded of the latest installment of our favorite murder mystery show. However, motives are with us every day. To lack all motivation at any time might be a sign of depression. We find a reason to get up and go to work or see a friend, and voila, we have motivation, a motive for doing something. Some are born full of motives and do much, others have less motivation and do not so much. Of course, life and its pitfalls have much to do with our state of motivation too. 

Who can change his own motivation? That depends on so much that I'm not sure all can be listed. Circumstance has something to say - sitting in the woods feeling sorry for oneself and a big ol' grizzly bear pokes its head around the tree. New motivation! Attitude also has much to say in the matter. A pleasant dream can change ones attitude or a good reading of the Word can effect a change in us. However, there is no more intimate contact we experience than that of the Holy Spirit coming into us. Believe in Jesus and a great Friend comes aboard, and the Spirit of the Lord is the greatest of motivators. Unlike the sudden threat of that ol' griz though, our Lord's Spirit is also the gentlest and most loving of motivators. 

Praise God for our Comforter, God's Holy Spirit!


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