Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Healing One Comes

But to you who fear My name
The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
With healing in His wings;
And you shall go out
And grow fat like stall-fed calves.  Malachi 4:2

The Cleaner went to drug trials in a few months and it is everything the public wants. Injected directly into the blood stream the Cleaner moves throughout the body devouring plaque, cancer cells, invasive bacteria, virulent viruses, plus shrinking away any scars and restoring aging joints and skin. Upon completion of its cleaning the Cleaner exits the body with a burst of feel-good chemicals and rejuvenating scents. The inventor of the Cleaner is reputedly wealthier than the top six billionaires combined, or will be if the drug trials finish ever start and finish. 

Yes, I did mix the tenses in the first sentence, and with no good reason other than the Cleaner is fictional. However, medical industry, big pharma, and a few pirates are in fact looking for just such a product even now. Those who do not want to believe in the coming of the Sun of Righteousness desperately want them to succeed and quickly. Why they want to live forever with the Earth in this state is quite beyond me, but there it is.

As for me and my family, those who all around the world from every nation, people, tribe, and tongue believe in Jesus the Christ, we want the coming of the Son, and that right soon!

Love in Christ,

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