Thursday, October 03, 2019

One Little Witness

"Take no usury or interest from him; but fear your God, that your brother may live with you." Leviticus 25:36

We often think that we have no or little witness to offer to the world. There are all these great writers, preachers, singers, and missionaries with such talents to give; how can anyone see little ol' me? Your trumpet may indeed be of the toy size and incapable of making much in the way of music or noise. However, it may well be the tiny witnesses that help the neighborhood to see the way of God in your life. 

One witness we may do in the world is this one in our verse for today. By extending it from our literal brother to brothers and sisters in Christ or even those who do not believe in Jesus, we bear witness to the world that they are more important than the earning of money to us. The world will not tell them this. We, who were taught capitalism from an early age, may blow quite a trumpet by loaning money, time, and other things we have without collecting fees and interest from our friends and neighbors.

A few days is easy, wait until the loan stretches out to months and years. Perhaps we will never get paid back! But Jesus has a verse for this too. 

Love in Christ,

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